Top Administration

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Board of Executive Directors
Name Position Election Term of office
Paulo Henrique Bezerra Rodrigues Costa President
A career employee of the Brazilian Caixa Econômica Federal, previously serving as Vice President of Clients, Business, and Digital Transformation, Paulo Henrique CostaGraduated in Business Administration from the Catholic University of Pernambuco, with postgraduate degrees in Management Development from EASP/FGV and Corporate Innovation from Stanford University. Holds a Master's in Business Administration from the University of Birmingham, England, and an Executive Master's in Administration from the Kellogg School of Management, United States. With 20 years of experience in the banking industry, he has held various positions, including: Director of Controller and Compliance (Pan American Group); Director of Administration, Finance, and IR (CFO) (Caixa Seguridade Participações S.A.); Vice President & CEO (EBSERH); National Superintendent of Corporate Risk Management, Executive Director of Controller (Caixa Econômica Federal).
Dario Oswaldo Garcia Júnior Chief Financial Officer (CFO), and Chief Investor Relations Officer (CIRO)
Mr. Garcia Júnior holds a degree in business administration from UDF, with an MBA in Controllership and Finance from the Brasília Catholic University. He was a Fiscal Council’s member of Cartão BRB between July 2009 and January 2011, member of the Advisory Council of Sebrae, Federal District, between July 2007 and January 2011. He worked in several areas of the Bank: in-company instructor of BRB, back-office routine instructor between March 1999 and September 2009, and provision for loan operation instructor since July 2011. He was sector manager, business manager, executive manager, commercial superintendent, executive officer, area superintendent of the Credit Modeling Superintendence (SUMOC).
José Maria Corrêa Dias Júnior Chief Information Officer (CIO) 06/30/2023 2022/2024
Jose Maria holds a Bachelor's degree in Information Systems from the Institute of Higher Studies of the Amazon (IESAM), has an Executive MBA in Finance from the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV) and is currently pursuing a Master's in Business Administration at Hult International Business School. With over ten years of experience in IT analyst roles, he has been serving as a Manager and Superintendent at BRB since 2012.
Cristiane Maria Lima Bukowitz Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO), accumulating the Executive Operations Office (EOO)
Mrs. Bukowitz holds a teaching degree in Sciences from the Catholic University of Brasília and a graduate degree in business administration from the IBMEC Business School. She was professor between 1986 and 1990. She has been an employee approved in competitive civil-service examination of Banco de Brasília (BRB) since 09/18/1990, where she gained professional experience holding several positions, such as assistant, process manager, head of department, process manager, executive manager, chief operations officer, department manager, chief executive officer at Financeira BRB and superintendent.
Bruno Rangel Avelino da Silva Chief Legal Officer
Bruno Rangel holds a Bachelor's degree in Law from UDF Center University, a Master's degree in Law from UniCeub Center University, and a Doctorate in Law at the University of Brasília (UnB). He possesses extensive experience in private practice, and has served as a Fiscal Counselor at BRBCARD, Chief of the Legal Department, and later Legal Director at the Environmental Sanitation Company of the Federal District (CAESB). Furthermore, he worked at the Legal Consultancy of the then Ministry of Sports and Tourism (2001-2002). In the academic sphere, he has been a substitute professor at the University of Brasília, teaching courses such as Civil Liability, Contracts, General Theory of Private Law, Family Law, and Industrial Law. Additionally, he has taught Electoral Law in the postgraduate program at the Federal University of Tocantins and the same subject at the undergraduate level at UDF.
Luana Andrade Ribeiro Chief Risk Control and Management
Luana Ribeiro has been a BRB tenured employee since 2002. Bachelor in Business Administration from UDF, she has an Executive MBA degree in Finance from UCB, and is currently studying Specialization in Financial Market Operator (FIA), and International Master in Finance (Sorbonne). During her career at the Bank, she had technical and managerial functions. She acted as Superintendent of Corporate Risks and of Retail Products, and until she took office as Director, she was the Superintendent of Credit Risk.
Diogo Ilário de Araújo Oliveira Chief Retail Banking Operations Officer, also acting as Chief Digital Business Officer, and Chief Wholesale and Government Officer
Diogo Oliveira has a Bachelor's degree in Economics from the Catholic University of Brasília with an MBA in Leadership, Innovation, and Management 4.0 from PUCRS - Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul. A career employee of BRB, he has held various positions within the institution since 2004, including: Expedient Manager (07/2004 to 06/2007), Business Manager (06/2007 to 09/2017), General Manager (10/2017 to 07/2021), and Superintendent (08/2021 to 06/2023).

To access the Minutes Meeting of the Board of Directors, click here.

Board of Non-Executive Directors
Name Position Election Term of office
Marcelo Talarico Chairman of the Boards of Directors 01/30/2023 2022/2024
With 40 years of corporate management experience in both the public and private sectors, working with companies in the financial industry, Marcelo Talarico holds a Bachelor’s degree in Science and Mathematics from Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas (PUCC) and a postgraduate specialization in Financial Administration focused on Financial Institutions from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV). He has completed the CCA+ Certification, the Advanced Course for Board Directors, and the Enhancement in Governance and Capital Markets for Administrators of Public Companies and Mixed Economy Companies, all offered by the Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance (IBGC). Additionally, he participated in programs such as ‘Leading in the Digital Context’, ‘GO NEW’, ‘Innovation Board Director Certification’, and ‘Development of Board Directors’, offered by Fundação Dom Cabral (FDC). He also holds a certificate of Independent Investment Agent issued by the National Association of Brokerage Firms, Foreign Exchange, and Commodities (ANCOR).
Paulo Henrique Bezerra Rodrigues Costa Boards of Directors’ Member 01/30/2023 2022/2024
A career employee at Caixa Econômica Federal, Paulo Henrique Costa holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the Catholic University of Pernambuco, with postgraduate qualifications in Management Development from EASP/FGV and Corporate Innovation from Stanford University. He has also earned a Master’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Birmingham in England, as well as an Executive Master’s in Business Administration from the Kellogg School of Management in the United States. He has 20 years of experience in the banking industry, having held various roles including Chief Controller and Compliance Officer at Pan Americano Group, Chief Administration, Finance, and Investor Relations Officer (CFO) at Caixa Seguridade Participações S.A., Vice-President & CEO at EBSERH, and serving as National Superintendent of Corporate Risk Management, Chief Controller, and Vice-President of Customers, Business, and Digital Transformation at Caixa Econômica Federal.
Paulo César Pagi Chaves Boards of Directors’ Member 01/30/2023 2022/2024
Current Chief of Staff to the Vice-Governor of the Federal District (GDF), Paulo César Pagi Chaves holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from the Centro de Ensino Unificado de Brasília (UniCEUB) and have completed a Brazilian MBA in Government Planning, Budgeting, and Management from the Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV). He also has a postgraduate specialization in Foreign Trade and is currently pursuing a degree in Law at the Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Público (IDP). He served as the President of the Fiscal Board of the Housing Development Company of the Federal District, a Member of the Brazilian Association of Institutional and Governmental Relations, a Substitute Member of the Deliberative Council of the Workers’ Support Fund (CODEFAT), and held the position of Superintendent of Government Relations at the National Confederation of Insurance Companies (Cnseg).
Reinaldo Busch Alves Carneiro Independent Member 01/30/2023 2022/2024
Reinaldo Busch Alves Carneiro holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from PUC-SP and a Master’s degree in Accounting Sciences from São Paulo University (USP). He retired from the Brazilian Central Bank, where he worked from 1977 to 2013, holding various positions in banking supervision. He served as the Chairman of the Audit Committee at Caixa Econômica Federal, from 2015 to 2018. Currently, he is a member of the Audit Committee at BRB (since May 2019), FUNCEF (since January 2019), and the Governance Commission in Financial Institutions at IBGC.
Luis Fernando de Lara Resende Independent Member 01/30/2023 2022/2024
A retired Federal Public Servant with experience in various areas of the public sector, especially in the Special Advisory Office of the Secretariat for Strategic Affairs within the Presidency of the Republic, Luís Fernando de Lara Resende holds a Bachelor’s degree in International Relations from the University of Brasília (UnB) and has extensive professional experience. He served as the Coordinator of Studies on Institutions and International Governance in the Directorate of Economic and International Political Studies (DAS 3) at the- Institute of Applied Economic Research (IPEA) from December 2016 to May 2017. He also held the position of Coordinator-General in of the Economic and International Political Studies Board (DAS 4) from June to December 2016. Prior to that, he worked as a Technical Staff Member in the Office of the President of IPEA from 2015 to 2016. Additionally, he served as the Coordinator-General of Communication and Publishing at the National School of Public Administration (ENAP) (DAS 4) from 2012 to 2015.
Romes Gonçalves Ribeiro Boards of Directors’ Member – Minority Representative 01/30/2023 2022/2024
Banco de Brasilia retired employee, Romes Golçalves Ribeiro holds a Bachelor’s degree in Law from UniCEUB, with postgraduate degrees in Civil Procedure Law from UniCEUB and in Economic and Corporate Law from FGV. He has worked as the Chief Legal Officer at APIMEC, a Lawyer at BRB, Chairman of the Deliberative Council of Régius, Director of Cartão BRB S/A, UnB Department of Law Professor , Dean of the Rui Barbosa Judicial School, and Electoral Judge at the Regional Electoral Court of the Federal District.
André Luiz de Mello Perezino Boards of Directors’ Member – Employees’ Representative 12/22/2022 2022/2024
BRB tenured employee. André Luiz de Mello Perezino holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from the Catholic University of Brasília (UCB), with a Brazilian MBA in Finance from IBMEC and a certificate in Project Elaboration, Analysis, and Evaluation from FGV. He has extensive experience at BRB, having held leadership roles such as Manager and Superintendent, as well as serving on boards within Conglomerado BRB’s companies.
Hugo Ferreira Braga Tadeu Member 12/29/2022 2022/2024
Graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Administration at IBMEC, Hugo Ferreira Braga Tadeu holds a master’s degree in Electrical Engineering and a doctorate in Mechanical Engineering from PUC Minas, and completed a post- doctoral program in Applied Simulation at the Sauder School of Business in Canada. He is a professor and researcher at Fundação Dom Cabral, with extensive experience in leadership positions, with a focus on innovation, digital strategies, and forecasting.

To access the Minutes Meeting of the Board of Directors, click here.

Fiscal Council

The Fiscal Council (CONFIS), elected by the General Meeting for a term of 2 (two) years, with the possibility of up to 2 (two) consecutive reappointments, consists of up to 5 (five) regular members and 5 (five) alternate members, individuals, whether shareholders or not, residing in the country, possessing academic qualifications suitable for the role, and having held a position of management or consultation in the public administration or a position as a fiscal council member or company administrator for a minimum period of 3 (three) years. On the Fiscal Council, one of the regular members and their respective alternate appointed by the majority shareholder must be Public Administration permanent employees of the department to which BRB is linked. CONFIS has the mission of overseeing the actions of the Administration in terms of economic, financial, and budgetary performance, ensuring compliance with legal and statutory duties, with the aim of safeguarding the interests of BRB and its shareholders, as well as other competencies outlined in Law 6.404/76.

Name Position Election Term of office
Kaline Gonzaga Costa
(Alternate: Robson Candido da Silva)
Chairwoman 01/09/2023 2022/2024
Kaline Gonzaga Costa is a lawyer, graduated from Instituto de Educação Superior de Brasília (IESB), possesses skills and knowledge about Strategic Planning, Administrative Processes, Constitutional Principles, Organizational and Institutional Communication, as well as case records study and the preparation of reports/votes Throughout her career, she has held various prominent roles, such as Chief of Staff to the Federal District Governor and a full member of the Fiscal Council of the Development Agency of the Federal District – Terracap. She served as a member in the Administration Committee Brazilian Bar Association Federal Council, a member of the Special Committee on Administrative Law, a member of the National Commission on Constitutional Studies, Coordinator of the Special Body of the Plenary Council/Board of Collegiate Bodies, and Coordinator of the Third Chamber/Board of Collegiate Bodies.
João Antônio Fleury Teixeira
(Alternate: Maurício Antônio do  Amaral Carvalho)
Member 01/09/2023 2022/2024
Graduated in Business Administration from AEUDF with postgraduate degrees in Strategic Managerial Development from Escola Brasileira de Administração Pública – EBAPE, and in Information Systems Analysis, Organization, Systems, and Methods from Escola Brasileira de Administração Pública – UMA, João Antônio Fleury Teixeira has extensive professional experience, having held positions such as City of Belo Horizonte’s Secretary of Finance, BRB’s Administrative council Chairman, Federal District’s Secretary of Finance, Bank of Minas Gerais’ Executive Director of the Development, Chairman of COPASA’s Administrative Council, Chairman of the of the Central Bank Private Pension Foundation (CENTRUS) Deliberative Board, Brazilian Central Bank’s Administration Director, among others.
Engels Augusto Muniz
(Alternate: Jorge Luís da Silva Aguiar)
Member (Preferred Shareholders’ Representative) 01/09/2023 2022/2024
Lawyer, graduated in Law from UniCEUB, currently pursuing a Brazilian MBA in Economics and Management at FGV, Engels Augusto Muniz has held various positions, including the role of Executive Secretary of the Ministry of Human Rights (2018/2019) and Chief of Staff in the Special Secretariat for Legal Affairs of the Civil House of the Presidency of the Republic between 2016 and 2018. Additionally, he served as a full member of the Fiscal Council of Eletrobrás – Eletrosul (2016/2017) and on the Administrative Council of CorreiosPar (2017/2018). He currently serves as a fiscal council member for NUCLEP – Nuclebrás Equipamentos Pesados and CaixaPar.
Alberto Castilho de Siqueira
(Alternate: Helson Ricardo Simão Souza)
Member (Minority
Shareholders’ Representative)
01/09/2023 2022/2024
A retired employee of BRB – Banco de Brasília, with a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from AEUDF, Alberto Castilho de Siqueira held significant positions at METRÔ – Companhia do Metropolitano do Distrito Federal (Metropolitan Subway Company in the Federal District), where he served as the Chief Financial Officer and Commercial Affairs from December 2012 to January 2015. He also briefly assumed the role of President from April to July 2014. Additionally, he was a member of BRB Serviços’ Administrative Council from August 2016 to August 2018. At BRB, among other roles, he served as Superintendent in the Credit Directorate from February 2011 to July 2013, and he also held various technical positions early in his career.
Juliana Monici Souza Pinheiro Member 01/09/2023 2022/2024
Juliana Monici Souza Pinheiro has been the Chief of Staff to the Governor of the Federal District since January 2020. Prior to that, she served as the Deputy Chief of Scheduling in the Governor’s Office from January 2019 to January 2020. She served as a Regular Member of the Fiscal Council at BRB CARD. She was a Member of The Urban Development Company of the New Capital of Brazil – NOVACAP’s Administrative Council from February 2019 to September 2021. From 2014 to 2018, she served as the Executive Secretary of the Federal Council of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB) in Brasília.

Click here to access the Minutes of the Fiscal Council

Click here to access the BRB Fiscal Council Charter

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee – COAUD, linked to the Board of Directors, is responsible for subsidizing the Board in accounting, auditing and finance matters in order to provide greater transparency to the information and ensure the accountability of the administrators. It is composed of three members with a term of five years that will extend until the investiture of the new elected members.

Name Position
Reinaldo Busch Carneiro President
Holds a Master’s in Accounting Sciences from the University of São Paulo (USP) and a Bachelor’s in Economic Sciences from the Pontifical Catholic University of Sao Paulo (PUC-SP). He was a member of the Governance Committee of Financial Institutions of the IBGC, a Mathematician and sector chief in the area of loan contracts at Unibanco S.A., Manager in the Department of Bank Supervision of the Brazilian Central Bank, Professor of Corporate Finance at Instituto Presbiteriano Mackenzie, and external specialist attached to the Monetary and Capital Markets Department of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Reinaldo has already chaired the Audit Committees at Caixa Econômica Federal and Fundação dos Economiários Federais (Funcef). At BRB, he has been an independent member of the Administrative Council since 2020.
Jaques de Melo Member
Holds a Bachelor’s in Law from the Centro de Ensino Unificado de Brasília (CEUB) and specialization degrees in Mergers and Acquisitions from the Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa de São Paulo (INSPER) and in Tax Law from the Instituto de Cooperação e Assistência Técnica (ICAT). He has a vast range of experience, including as a lawyer, Councilor of the Administrative Council of Tax Appeals of the Ministry of Finance (2010-2015), Lecturer of Tax Law at the Catholic University of Brasilia, and Secretary General of the Brazilian Bar Association in the Federal District.
Fernando Dal-Ri Murcia Member
Has 78 academic articles published in national and international scientific journals, besides five books and 11 book chapters. Advisor of seven master’s theses and four doctoral dissertations in the post-graduate program in controllership and accounting at FEA/USP, Fernando has worked as an analyst for Bridgestone Firestone do Brasil, Exame Magazine’s Maiores e Melhores Project, and ANEFAC-FIPECAFI-SERASA’s Transparency Award. In academia, he was a professor at the Federal University of Santa Catarina and is currently a professor at the School of Economics, Business Administration, and Accounting (FEA) at USP, campus SP, teaching undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral courses.

Click here to access the Minutes of the Audit Committee

Click here to access the Internal Regulations of the Statutory Audit Committee*

Talk to the committee

Compensation Committee

The Compensation Committee is composed of two sitting and one alternate member, reporting directly to CONSAD. The
committee advises CONSAD in its compensation policy for managers, as per current legislation.

Name Position
Marcelo Talarico Coordinator
He holds a graduate degree in Sciences and Mathematics from the Pontíficia Universidade Católica de Campinas – PUC. He completed a specialization training course in financial administration at Fundação Getúlio Vargas; a specialization training course in Independent Investment Agent at ANCOR – National Association of Securities, Exchange and Mervadoria Brokers. Foreign Trade Course at the Regional Administration Council, among others. Formerly acted in Companies: BPC Com Ltda.; Position: Founding Partner and CEO; Term: 1988-2018; BPC Corretora de Seguros; Position: Founding Partner; Term: 1988-2018 ; Talinvest I A P Ltda. Position: Founding Partner and CEO; Term: 2008-2018.
Luis Fernando de Lara Resende Member
Worked in companies: Escola Nacional de Administração Pública – Enap; Position: General Coordinator of Communication and Publishing; Term: 2012-2015.; Office of the President of the Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica e Aplicada – Ipea; Position: Technician; Term: 2015-2016 ; Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica e Aplicada – Ipea; Position: General Coordinator of the Directorate of Studies and Economic Relations and International Policies; Term: June to December 2016.; Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica e Aplicada – Ipea; Position: Coordinator of Studies in Institutions and International Governance of the Directorate of Studies and Economic Relations and International Policies; Term: 2016-2017. ; Department of Strategic Affairs of the Presidency of the Republic; Position: Special Advisor; Term: May 2017 to the present date.
Glauco Alves e Santos Member
Glauco Alves e Santos has a Bachelor’s degree in Law from Instituto de Educação Superior de Brasília (IESB) and a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Centro Universitário do Distrito Federal (UniDF). He also holds postgraduate degrees in Tax Law and State Law from UCM – Universidade Cândido Mendes. Additionally, he has earned a Master’s degree in Constitutional Law from IDP – Instituto de Direito Público de Brasília. He has 17 years of experience working in 5 different banks, primarily focusing on the corporate and institutional segments. He also has knowledge of merger and acquisition processes in the Brazilian financial market. He provides technical and legal consulting services to industries in the pharmaceutical and healthcare product sectors, among others subject to regulation by federal autarchies operating under special regime, known as Regulatory Agencies since 2002. He has served as a Full Council Member of OAB/DF – Order of Lawyers of Brazil/Federal District, as well as the Chairman of the Regulatory Law Committee at OAB/DF and the Chairman of the National Regulatory Law Committee for the Brazilian Association of Lawyers (ABA). He has a law firm since 2003, with a special focus on Regulatory Law (Regulatory Agencies), Business and Administrative Law, Registrations/Trademarks and Patents and Tenders and Contracts (Law 8,666).

Click here to access the Compensation Committee Internal Regulations*

Elegibility Committee

The Bank shall establish a Statutory Eligibility Committee, comprised of three (3) members, with the powers and duties provided for in specific legislation, linked to the Board of Directors of BRB, acting in its wholly-owned, controlled and affiliated subsidiaries. Its competencies are described in the Bylaws.

Name Position Election End of term of office
Luis Fernando de Lara Resende
(Member of the Administrative Council)
Member 02/25/2021 First BDM after the OGM/2023
Worked in companies: Escola Nacional de Administração Pública – Enap; Position: General Coordinator of Communication and Publishing; Term: 2012-2015.; Office of the President of the Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica e Aplicada – Ipea; Position: Technician; Term: 2015-2016 ; Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica e Aplicada – Ipea; Position: General Coordinator of the Directorate of Studies and Economic Relations and International Policies; Term: June to December 2016.; Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica e Aplicada – Ipea; Position: Coordinator of Studies in Institutions and International Governance of the Directorate of Studies and Economic Relations and International Policies; Term: 2016-2017. ; Department of Strategic Affairs of the Presidency of the Republic; Position: Special Advisor; Term: May 2017 to the present date.
Fernanda Christina de Oliveira Santos Member 02/25/2021 First BDM after the OGM/2023
Tenured BRB employee with a Bachelor degree in Law from the Catholic University of Brasilia. She has a postgraduate degree in State, Law and Constitution from Faculdade de Ciências Jurídicas do Planalto Central (Uniplac); ITIL Certification – Foundation Cerfiticate in IT Service Management, extension course in Corporate Risk Management and Corporate Security Plan in accordance with ISO 31000 from Faculdade de São Paulo, Fernanda Christina de Oliveira Santos held several positions at BRB such as Relationship Manager, Area Manager and Superintendent. She coordinated projects to review critical processes for the Bank that culminated in improving operational efficiency, mitigating risks, reducing expenses and improving revenues.
Jacques Mauricio Ferreira Veloso de Melo Member
Jacques Maurício Ferreira Veloso de Melo holds a Bachelor’s in Law from the Centro de Ensino Unificado de Brasília (CEUB) and postgraduate specialization degrees in Mergers and Acquisitions from the Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa de São Paulo (INSPER) and in Tax Law from Instituto de Cooperação e Assistência Técnica (ICAT). He has a vast range of experience, including as a lawyer, Councilor of the Administrative Council of Tax Appeals of the Ministry of Finance (2010-2015), Lecturer of Tax Law at the Catholic University of Brasilia, and Secretary General of the Brazilian Bar Association in the Federal District.

Click here to access the Rules of Procedure of the Statutory Eligibility Commitee*

Click here to access the Files.

Risk Committee

The Risk Committee, with the attributions and duties foreseen in the specific legislation, related to the Board of Directors of BRB, acting in BRB and in its Subsidiaries, Controlled Companies and Affiliates, will be comprised of 03 (three) effective members, Brazilians, with an undoubted reputation, living in the country, with verified knowledge that qualifies them for the function and graduates in course at university level.

Name Position Election End of term of office
Luis Fernando de Lara Resende Member 02/25/2021 February 2023
Worked in companies: Escola Nacional de Administração Pública – Enap; Position: General Coordinator of Communication and Publishing; Term: 2012-2015.; Office of the President of the Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica e Aplicada – Ipea; Position: Technician; Term: 2015-2016 ; Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica e Aplicada – Ipea; Position: General Coordinator of the Directorate of Studies and Economic Relations and International Policies; Term: June to December 2016.; Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica e Aplicada – Ipea; Position: Coordinator of Studies in Institutions and International Governance of the Directorate of Studies and Economic Relations and International Policies; Term: 2016-2017. ; Department of Strategic Affairs of the Presidency of the Republic; Position: Special Advisor; Term: May 2017 to the present date.
Marcelo Talarico Member 02/25/2021 February 2023
He holds a graduate degree in Sciences and Mathematics from the Pontíficia Universidade Católica de Campinas – PUC. He completed a specialization training course in financial administration at Fundação Getúlio Vargas; a specialization training course in Independent Investment Agent at ANCOR – National Association of Securities, Exchange and Mervadoria Brokers. Foreign Trade Course at the Regional Administration Council, among others. Formerly acted in Companies: BPC Com Ltda.; Position: Founding Partner and CEO; Term: 1988-2018; BPC Corretora de Seguros; Position: Founding Partner; Term: 1988-2018 ; Talinvest I A P Ltda. Position: Founding Partner and CEO; Term: 2008-2018.
Carlos Antonio de Vergara Cammas Member 03/18/2020 March 2022
Bachelor’s degree in Economic and Business Administration Sciences from the University of Chile, Brazilian MBA in Derivatives and Risks – BM&F (currently B3), Brazilian MBA in Finance – IBMEC and Postgraduate/Master’s degree in Accounting Sciences from the University of São Paulo (USP), Carlos Antônio Vergara Cammas has a good relationship with regulatory bodies and professional associations in the financial market. He was a lecturer in several subjects in Postgraduate courses. He has a career of over 30 years as an executive in Financial Institutions in Brazil, Consulting and Auditing companies, such as Itaú, Banco Francês e Brasileiro, Ernst & Young, PWC, Dresdner Bank, Banco Santander, Banco Pan, among others.

Click here to access the Internal Rules of the Risk Committee*

Ethics Committee

The BRB Ethics Committee is a body whose purposes are to guide, advise, and act in the management of professional ethics of BRB and its subsidiaries’ leaders and employees, and the handling of people and public assets. It is also responsible for deliberating on unethical conduct and transgressions of internal rules brought to its attention.

Name Position
Cristiane Maria Lima Bukowitz People Management Executive Officer (PMEO), heading the Executive Office of Operations (EOO)
Mrs. Bukowitz holds a teaching degree in Sciences from the Catholic University of Brasília and a graduate degree in business administration from the IBMEC Business School. She was professor between 1986 and 1990. She has been an employee approved in competitive civil-service examination of Banco de Brasília (BRB) since 09/18/1990, where she gained professional experience holding several positions, such as assistant, process manager, head of department, process manager, executive manager, chief operations officer, department manager, chief executive officer at Financeira BRB and superintendent.
Diogo Ilário de Araújo Oliveira Chief Retail Banking Operations Officer, also acting as Chief Digital Business Officer, and Chief Wholesale and Government Officer
Diogo Oliveira has a Bachelor's degree in Economics from the Catholic University of Brasília with an MBA in Leadership, Innovation, and Management 4.0 from PUCRS - Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul. A career employee of BRB, he has held various positions within the institution since 2004, including: Expedient Manager (07/2004 to 06/2007), Business Manager (06/2007 to 09/2017), General Manager (10/2017 to 07/2021), and Superintendent (08/2021 to 06/2023).
Luana Andrade Ribeiro Executive Director of Controls and Risks
Luana Ribeiro has been a BRB tenured employee since 2002. Bachelor in Business Administration from UDF, she has an Executive MBA degree in Finance from UCB, and is currently studying Specialization in Financial Market Operator (FIA), and International Master in Finance (Sorbonne). During her career at the Bank, she had technical and managerial functions. She acted as Superintendent of Corporate Risks and of Retail Products, and until she took office as Director, she was the Superintendent of Credit Risk.
José Maria Corrêa Dias Júnior IT Officer
Bachelor of Information Systems from the Institute of Higher Studies of Amazon (IESAM), José Maria holds an Executive MBA in Finance from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV) and is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Business Administration at Hult International Business School. With over ten years of experience in information technology analyst roles, he has been serving as an area manager and superintendent at BRB since 2012.
Héllen Falcão de Carvalho Chief Legal Officer (as advisory member, without voting rights)
She holds a graduate degree in Law from Universidade Paulista – UNIP, has a postgraduate degree in Digital Law and Compliance at Damásio Educacional and is currently studying for a Master degree in Public Law at Instituto Brasiliense de Direito Público – IDP. She is lawyer and held the position of Consultant to the Presidency of BRB. She was a professor of “Electronic Legal Process” at Escola Superior da Advocacia. Throughout her career, she has held prominent positions as Head of Legal Counsel. At OAB/DF, she was Chief Information Technology Officer, Vice-President of the Administrative Law Committee and Sectional Advisor. She was also the Vice-President of the National Information Technology Commission of the Federal Council of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB). Until then, she had been a Consultant to the Presidency of the BRB.
Related Parties Committee

The BRB Related Parties Committee is a body whose purposes are to evaluate, monitor and control transactions with related parties carried out by the Institution.

Name Position
Luana Andrade Ribeiro Executive Director of Controls & Risks
Luana Ribeiro has been a BRB tenured employee since 2002. Bachelor in Business Administration from UDF, she has an Executive MBA degree in Finance from UCB, and is currently studying Specialization in Financial Market Operator (FIA), and International Master in Finance (Sorbonne). During her career at the Bank, she had technical and managerial functions. She acted as Superintendent of Corporate Risks and of Retail Products, and until she took office as Director, she was the Superintendent of Credit Risk.
Dario Oswaldo Garcia Júnior Retail Executive Officer (REO)
Mr. Garcia Júnior holds a degree in business administration from UDF, with an MBA in Controllership and Finance from the Brasília Catholic University. He was a Fiscal Council’s member of Cartão BRB between July 2009 and January 2011, member of the Advisory Council of Sebrae, Federal District, between July 2007 and January 2011. He worked in several areas of the Bank: in-company instructor of BRB, back-office routine instructor between March 1999 and September 2009, and provision for loan operation instructor since July 2011. He was sector manager, business manager, executive manager, commercial superintendent, executive officer, area superintendent of the Credit Modeling Superintendence (SUMOC).
Hellen Falcão de Carvalho Chief Legal Officer (as an advisory member, with no voting rights)
She holds a graduate degree in Law from Universidade Paulista – UNIP, has a postgraduate degree in Digital Law and Compliance at Damásio Educacional and is currently studying for a Master degree in Public Law at Instituto Brasiliense de Direito Público – IDP. She is lawyer and held the position of Consultant to the Presidency of BRB. She was a professor of “Electronic Legal Process” at Escola Superior da Advocacia. Throughout her career, she has held prominent positions as Head of Legal Counsel. At OAB/DF, she was Chief Information Technology Officer, Vice-President of the Administrative Law Committee and Sectional Advisor. She was also the Vice-President of the National Information Technology Commission of the Federal Council of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB). Until then, she had been a Consultant to the Presidency of the BRB.
Correction Committee
Name Position Election End of term of office
Luís Fernando de Lara Resende President 05/31/2021 First BDM after the OGM/2023
Marcelo Talarico Member 05/31/2021 First BDM after the OGM/2023
Kaline Gonzaga Costa Member 05/10/2023 First BDM after the OGM/2024
Kaline Gonzaga Costa is a Lawyer, graduated from Instituto de Educação Superior de Brasília (IESB), possesses skills and knowledge in Strategic Planning, Administrative Processes, Constitutional Principles, Organizational and Institutional Communication, as well as case records study and the preparation of reports/votes. Throughout her career, she has held various prominent roles, such as Chief of Staff to the Federal District Governor and a full member of the Fiscal Council of the Development Agency of the Federal District – Terracap. She served in the Brazilian Bar Association Federal Council as a member of the Administration Committee, a member of the Special Committee on Administrative Law, a member of the National Commission on Constitutional Studies, Coordinator of the Special Body of the Plenary Council/Board of Collegiate Bodies, and Coordinator of the Third Chamber/Board of Collegiate Bodies.
Purchasing and Contracting Committee

The Purchasing and Contracting Committee is a body whose purposes are to evaluate and decide on purchases and hirings within the limits of its competence.

Name Position
Cristiane Maria Lima Bukowitz People Management Executive Officer (PMEO), heading the Executive Office of Operations (EOO)
Mrs. Bukowitz holds a teaching degree in Sciences from the Catholic University of Brasília and a graduate degree in business administration from the IBMEC Business School. She was professor between 1986 and 1990. She has been an employee approved in competitive civil-service examination of Banco de Brasília (BRB) since 09/18/1990, where she gained professional experience holding several positions, such as assistant, process manager, head of department, process manager, executive manager, chief operations officer, department manager, chief executive officer at Financeira BRB and superintendent.
Diogo Ilário de Araújo Oliveira Chief Retail Banking Operations Officer, also acting as Chief Digital Business Officer, and Chief Wholesale and Government Officer
Graduated in Economic Sciences from the Catholic University of Brasília with a Brazilian MBA in Leadership, Innovation and Management 4.0 from PUCRS – Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Diogo Ilário de Araújo is a BRB tenured employee, and has held various roles at the Institution since 2004, including: Office Manager (07/2004 to 06/2007), Business Manager (06/2007 to 09/2017), General Manager (10/2017 to 07/2021), Superintendent (08/2021 to 06/2023).
Hellen Falcão de Carvalho Chief Legal Officer (as an advisory member, with no voting rights)
She holds a graduate degree in Law from Universidade Paulista – UNIP, has a postgraduate degree in Digital Law and Compliance at Damásio Educacional and is currently studying for a Master degree in Public Law at Instituto Brasiliense de Direito Público – IDP. She is lawyer and held the position of Consultant to the Presidency of BRB. She was a professor of “Electronic Legal Process” at Escola Superior da Advocacia. Throughout her career, she has held prominent positions as Head of Legal Counsel. At OAB/DF, she was Chief Information Technology Officer, Vice-President of the Administrative Law Committee and Sectional Advisor. She was also the Vice-President of the National Information Technology Commission of the Federal Council of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB). Until then, she had been a Consultant to the Presidency of the BRB.
José Maria Corrêa Dias Júnior IT Officer
Bachelor of Information Systems from the Institute of Higher Studies of Amazon (IESAM), José Maria holds an Executive MBA in Finance from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV) and is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Business Administration at Hult International Business School. With over ten years of experience in information technology analyst roles, he has been serving as an area manager and superintendent at BRB since 2012.
Business Committee

The Business Committee is a body whose purposes are to analyze and make decisions about proposals for credit operations, debt restructuring, and other businesses according to its operational scope.

Name Position
Luana Andrade Ribeiro Executive Director of Controls & Risks
Luana Ribeiro has been a BRB tenured employee since 2002. Bachelor in Business Administration from UDF, she has an Executive MBA degree in Finance from UCB, and is currently studying Specialization in Financial Market Operator (FIA), and International Master in Finance (Sorbonne). During her career at the Bank, she had technical and managerial functions. She acted as Superintendent of Corporate Risks and of Retail Products, and until she took office as Director, she was the Superintendent of Credit Risk.
Cynthia Judite Perciano Borges Executive Director Financial
Cynthia Borges has been employed by BRB since 2003. With an MBA in IT Governance and currently studying postgraduate studies in Finance and Banking at EA Banking School, she built her trajectory at the Bank specializing in the banking area, with vast experience in the financial area and Strong leadership skills, which allowed her to serve in executive roles such as general manager, financial superintendent, financial director, risk and controls director and even assume the current directorship, was as superintendent of financial operations.
Dario Oswaldo Garcia Júnior Retail Executive Officer (REO)
Mr. Garcia Júnior holds a degree in business administration from UDF, with an MBA in Controllership and Finance from the Brasília Catholic University. He was a Fiscal Council’s member of Cartão BRB between July 2009 and January 2011, member of the Advisory Council of Sebrae, Federal District, between July 2007 and January 2011. He worked in several areas of the Bank: in-company instructor of BRB, back-office routine instructor between March 1999 and September 2009, and provision for loan operation instructor since July 2011. He was sector manager, business manager, executive manager, commercial superintendent, executive officer, area superintendent of the Credit Modeling Superintendence (SUMOC).
Hellen Falcão de Carvalho Chief Legal Officer (as an advisory member, with no voting rights)
She holds a graduate degree in Law from Universidade Paulista – UNIP, has a postgraduate degree in Digital Law and Compliance at Damásio Educacional and is currently studying for a Master degree in Public Law at Instituto Brasiliense de Direito Público – IDP. She is lawyer and held the position of Consultant to the Presidency of BRB. She was a professor of “Electronic Legal Process” at Escola Superior da Advocacia. Throughout her career, she has held prominent positions as Head of Legal Counsel. At OAB/DF, she was Chief Information Technology Officer, Vice-President of the Administrative Law Committee and Sectional Advisor. She was also the Vice-President of the National Information Technology Commission of the Federal Council of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB). Until then, she had been a Consultant to the Presidency of the BRB.
Risks, Control, ALM, and Prevention of Financial Malpractice Committee

The Risks, Control, ALM, and Prevention of Financial Malpractice Committee is a body whose purpose is to ensure that BRB Conglomerate complies with policies and standards for risk management, internal controls, and capital, in addition to evaluating, monitoring, and validating the strategies of the treasury, liquidity, prices, terms, and mismatches, monitoring the profitability and funding management, ensuring compliance with the institution’s ALM strategies, as well as evaluating and deliberating, per its attributions and subject scope, on matters dealing with the prevention and fight against financial and foreign exchange offenses and information security.

Name Position
Paulo Henrique Bezerra Rodrigues Costa Chief Executive Officer, heading the Executive Office of Digital Business (EODB)
Master in Business Administration by the University of Birmingham in England and the Kellogg School of Management in the United States, has more than 20 years of experience in banking industry. Professional Experience: Controller and Compliance Officer at Pan Group, CFO and IR Officer at Caixa Seguridade, Vice President & CEO of EBSERH, Vice President of Customers, Business and Digital Transformation at Caixa.
Luana Andrade Ribeiro Executive Director of Controls & Risks
Luana Ribeiro has been a BRB tenured employee since 2002. Bachelor in Business Administration from UDF, she has an Executive MBA degree in Finance from UCB, and is currently studying Specialization in Financial Market Operator (FIA), and International Master in Finance (Sorbonne). During her career at the Bank, she had technical and managerial functions. She acted as Superintendent of Corporate Risks and of Retail Products, and until she took office as Director, she was the Superintendent of Credit Risk.
Dario Oswaldo Garcia Júnior Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
Mr. Garcia Júnior holds a degree in business administration from UDF, with an MBA in Controllership and Finance from the Brasília Catholic University. He was a Fiscal Council’s member of Cartão BRB between July 2009 and January 2011, member of the Advisory Council of Sebrae, Federal District, between July 2007 and January 2011. He worked in several areas of the Bank: in-company instructor of BRB, back-office routine instructor between March 1999 and September 2009, and provision for loan operation instructor since July 2011. He was sector manager, business manager, executive manager, commercial superintendent, executive officer, area superintendent of the Credit Modeling Superintendence (SUMOC).
Hellen Falcão de Carvalho Chief Legal Officer (as an advisory member, with no voting rights)
She holds a graduate degree in Law from Universidade Paulista – UNIP, has a postgraduate degree in Digital Law and Compliance at Damásio Educacional and is currently studying for a Master degree in Public Law at Instituto Brasiliense de Direito Público – IDP. She is lawyer and held the position of Consultant to the Presidency of BRB. She was a professor of “Electronic Legal Process” at Escola Superior da Advocacia. Throughout her career, she has held prominent positions as Head of Legal Counsel. At OAB/DF, she was Chief Information Technology Officer, Vice-President of the Administrative Law Committee and Sectional Advisor. She was also the Vice-President of the National Information Technology Commission of the Federal Council of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB). Until then, she had been a Consultant to the Presidency of the BRB.
José Maria Corrêa Dias Júnior IT Officer
Bachelor of Information Systems from the Institute of Higher Studies of Amazon (IESAM), José Maria holds an Executive MBA in Finance from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV) and is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Business Administration at Hult International Business School. With over ten years of experience in information technology analyst roles, he has been serving as an area manager and superintendent at BRB since 2012.
Name Position E-mail
Eliane Bruna O. Santos Senna Ombudsman
Eliane Bruna Oliveira dos Santos Senna is a Bachelor in Psychology, graduated in the Centro Universitário de Brasília (UNICEUB), specialized in Human Resources in the University of Brasília, and with an Executive MBA in Strategic Business Management in FIAP ON University. Currently, she studies the Executive MBA in Marketing and Business Intelligence, at Saint Paul School of Business. A BRB career employee, she has the Federation of Brazilian Banks’ certification for ombudsman (FBB200). As BRB’s Ombudsman, her mission is not limited to just solving clients’ demands, but also to boost the sector’s works as an important, innovative management tool, in order to promote the transformation of the complaints in opportunities of improving internal processes, thus preventing risks and mitigating them, in order to make us the preferred financial institution for our clients.
Internal Affairs
Name Position E-mail
Alessandra Vieira Massa Corregidor
Alessandra Vieira Massa is a Bachelor of Law, graduated in the Centro de Ensino Unificado de Brasília (UniCEUB), with post graduation courses in Public-Private Compliance, Corporate Integrity and Corruption Repression, in Brazilian CERS University, and Public Law, in Brazilian ATAME University.
As a lawyer, she exerted the role of BRB Presidency Consultant, being also the president of the Forensic Investigation Commission, for the Operation Circus Maximus (MPF – DF), and also president of Commission of Preliminary Investigation, for Operation Chorume (MPF/PF – SP). She has a solid background in sanctioning law and administrative impropriety, grounded in a career of over twenty years in branches of the Federal Government, Federal District Government (GDF), third sector organizations, pension funds and financial market institutions. Before BRB, she was a Consultant for the Presidency of the Brazilian public bank Caixa Econômica Federal, supporting its President in decision making processes, viability studies and programs monitoring. She exerted the role of Sanctioning Law coordinator at the FUNCEF’s Juridical Office, where she kept up with the Operations Carwash and Greenfield (MPF/PF). She also worked as Chief Juridical-Legislative Assessor with the State Department of Culture for Federal District (GDF). She was a lawyer for the Brazilian National Health Fund (FNS/MS) and also for international organizations in programs of Brazilian Ministries of Education and Health.